54 research outputs found

    A Gamification Engine Architecture for Enhancing Behavioral Change Support Systems

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    This paper presents a gamified framework designed to offer behavioural change support and treatment adherence services to people living with Dementia (PLWD), their caregivers and medical/social professionals

    Adaptive e-learning grid platform

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    Many analysts believe that more and more organizations are looking to introduce e-learning as a way to solve critical business problems and as a vital component of an integrated approach to their training solutions. So we are introducing our next generation, e-learning grid platform to meet the evolving needs of the market, which include technology, content and services. This platform will define a new mode of service interaction and application creation. It proposes a user-friendly method for deploying interactive (mobile) devices and for accessing new and innovative added value services. The specific infrastructure will provide the technology necessary to access, arrange, manage and make available e-learning services and applications, for both individual end users and business

    GHOST - safe-guarding home IoT environments with personalised real-time risk control

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    We present the European research project GHOST, (Safe-guarding home IoT environments with personalised real-time risk control), which challenges the traditional cyber security solutions for the IoT by proposing a novel reference architecture that is embedded in an adequately adapted smart home network gateway, and designed to be vendor-independent. GHOST proposes to lead a paradigm shift in consumer cyber security by coupling usable security with transparency and behavioural engineering

    Developing an infrastructure for secure patient summary exchange in the EU context: Lessons learned from the KONFIDO project

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    Background: The increase of healthcare digitalization comes along with potential information security risks. Thus, the EU H2020 KONFIDO project aimed to provide a toolkit supporting secure cross-border health data exchange. Methods: KONFIDO focused on the so-called “User Goals”, while also identifying barriers and facilitators regarding eHealth acceptance. Key user scenarios were elaborated both in terms of threat analysis and legal challenges. Moreover, KONFIDO developed a toolkit aiming to enhance the security of OpenNCP, the reference implementation framework. Results: The main project outcomes are highlighted and the “Lessons Learned,” the technical challenges and the EU context are detailed. Conclusions: The main “Lessons Learned” are summarized and a set of recommendations is provided, presenting the position of the KONFIDO consortium toward a robust EU-wide health data exchange infrastructure. To this end, the lack of infrastructure and technical capacity is highlighted, legal and policy challenges are identified and the need to focus on usability and semantic interoperability is emphasized. Regarding technical issues, an emphasis on transparent and standards-based development processes is recommended, especially for landmark software projects. Finally, promoting mentality change and knowledge dissemination is also identified as key step toward the development of secure cross-border health data exchange services

    Substance deposition assessment in obstructed pulmonary system through numerical characterization of airflow and inhaled particles attributes

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma are considered as the two most widespread obstructive lung diseases, whereas they affect more than 500 million people worldwide. Unfortunately, the requirement for detailed geometric models of the lungs in combination with the increased computational resources needed for the simulation of the breathing did not allow great progress to be made in the past for the better understanding of inflammatory diseases of the airways through detailed modelling approaches. In this context, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations accompanied by fluid particle tracing (FPT) analysis of the inhaled ambient particles are deemed critical for lung function assessment. Also they enable the understanding of particle depositions on the airways of patients, since these accumulations may affect or lead to inflammations. In this direction, the current study conducts an initial investigation for the better comprehension of particle deposition within the lungs. More specifically, accurate models of the airways obstructions that relate to pulmonary disease are developed and a thorough assessment of the airflow behavior together with identification of the effects of inhaled particle properties, such as size and density, is conducted. Our approach presents a first step towards an effective personalization of pulmonary treatment in regards to the geometric characteristics of the lungs and the in depth understanding of airflows within the airways. Methods A geometry processing technique involving contraction algorithms is established and used to employ the different respiratory arrangements associated with lung related diseases that exhibit airways obstructions. Apart from the normal lung case, two categories of obstructed cases are examined, i.e. models with obstructions in both lungs and models with narrowings in the right lung only. Precise assumptions regarding airflow and deposition fraction (DF) over various sections of the lungs are drawn by simulating these distinct incidents through the finite volume method (FVM) and particularly the CFD and FPT algorithms. Moreover, a detailed parametric analysis clarifies the effects of the particles size and density in terms of regional deposition upon several parts of the pulmonary system. In this manner, the deposition pattern of various substances can be assessed. Results For the specific case of the unobstructed lung model most particles are detected on the right lung (48.56% of total, when the air flowrate is 12.6 L/min), a fact that is also true when obstructions arise symmetrically in both lungs (51.45% of total, when the air flowrate is 6.06 L/min and obstructions occur after the second generation). In contrast, when narrowings are developed on the right lung only, most particles are pushed on the left section (68.22% of total, when the air flowrate is 11.2 L/min) indicating that inhaled medication is generally deposited away from the areas of inflammation. This observation is useful when designing medical treatment of lung diseases. Furthermore, particles with diameters from 1 μm to 10 μm are shown to be mainly deposited on the lower airways, whereas particles with diameters of 20 μm and 30 μm are mostly accumulated in the upper airways. As a result, the current analysis indicates increased DF levels in the upper airways when the particle diameter is enlarged. Additionally, when the particles density increases from 1000 Kg/m3 to 2000 Kg/m3, the DF is enhanced on every generation and for all cases investigated herein. The results obtained by our simulations provide an accurate and quantitative estimation of all important parameters involved in lung modeling. Conclusions The treatment of respiratory diseases with inhaled medical substances can be advanced by the clinical use of accurate CFD and FPT simulations and specifically by evaluating the deposition of inhaled particles in a regional oriented perspective in regards to different particle sizes and particle densities. Since a drug with specific characteristics (i.e. particle size and density) exhibits maximum deposition on particular lung areas, the current study provides initial indications to a qualified physician for proper selection of medication

    Effectiveness of myAirCoach: A mHealth Self-Management System in Asthma

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    Background: Self-management programs have beneficial effects on asthma control, but their implementation in clinical practice is poor. Mobile health (mHealth) could play an important role in enhancing self-management. Objective: To assess the clinical effectiveness and technology acceptance of myAirCoach-supported self-management on top of usual care in patients with asthma using inhalation medication. Methods: Patients were recruited in 2 separate studies. The myAirCoach system consisted of an inhaler adapter, an indoor air-quality monitor, a physical activity tracker, a portable spirometer, a fraction exhaled nitric oxide device, and an app. The primary outcome was asthma control; secondary outcomes were exacerbations, quality of life, and technology acceptance. In study 1, 30 participants were randomized to either usual care or myAirCoach support for 3 to 6 months; in study 2, 12 participants were provided with the myAirCoach system in a 3-month before-after study. Results: In study 1, asthma control improved in the intervention group compared with controls (Asthma Control Questionnaire difference, 0.70; P = .006). A total of 6 exacerbations occurred in the intervention group compared with 12 in the control group (hazard ratio, 0.31; P = .06). Asthma-related quality of life improved (mini Asthma-related Quality of Life Questionnaire difference, 0.53; P = .04), but forced expiratory volume in 1 second was unchanged. In study 2, asthma control improved by 0.86 compared with baseline (P = .007) and quality of life by 0.16 (P = .64). Participants reported positive attitudes toward the system. Discussion: Using the myAirCoach support system improves asthma control and quality of life, with a reduction in severe asthma exacerbations. Well-validated mHealth technologies should therefore be further studied

    The European cross-border health data exchange roadmap: case study in the Italian setting

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    Health data exchange is a major challenge due to the sensitive information and the privacy issues entailed. Considering the European context, in which health data must be exchanged between different European Union (EU) Member States, each having a different national regulatory framework as well as different national healthcare structures, the challenge appears even greater. Europe has tried to address this challenge via the epSOS (“Smart Open Services for European Patients”) project in 2008, a European large-scale pilot on cross-border sharing of specific health data and services. The adoption of the framework is an ongoing activity, with most Member States planning its implementation by 2020. Yet, this framework is quite generic and leaves a wide space to each EU Member State regarding the definition of roles, processes, workflows and especially the specific integration with the National Infrastructures for eHealth. The aim of this paper is to present the current landscape of the evolving eHealth infrastructure for cross-border health data exchange in Europe, as a result of past and ongoing initiatives, and illustrate challenges, open issues and limitations through a specific case study describing how Italy is approaching its adoption and accommodates the identified barriers. To this end, the paper discusses ethical, regulatory and organizational issues, also focusing on technical aspects, such as interoperability and cybersecurity. Regarding cybersecurity aspects per se, we present the approach of the KONFIDO EU-funded project, which aims to reinforce trust and security in European cross-border health data exchange by leveraging novel approaches and cutting-edge technologies, such as homomorphic encryption, photonic Physical Unclonable Functions (p-PUF), a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, and blockchain-based auditing. In particular, we explain how KONFIDO will test its outcomes through a dedicated pilot based on a realistic scenario, in which Italy is involved in health data exchange with other European countries

    GATEKEEPER’s Strategy for the Multinational Large-Scale Piloting of an eHealth Platform: Tutorial on How to Identify Relevant Settings and Use Cases

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    Background: The World Health Organization’s strategy toward healthy aging fosters person-centered integrated care sustained by eHealth systems. However, there is a need for standardized frameworks or platforms accommodating and interconnecting multiple of these systems while ensuring secure, relevant, fair, trust-based data sharing and use. The H2020 project GATEKEEPER aims to implement and test an open-source, European, standard-based, interoperable, and secure framework serving broad populations of aging citizens with heterogeneous health needs. Objective: We aim to describe the rationale for the selection of an optimal group of settings for the multinational large-scale piloting of the GATEKEEPER platform. Methods: The selection of implementation sites and reference use cases (RUCs) was based on the adoption of a double stratification pyramid reflecting the overall health of target populations and the intensity of proposed interventions; the identification of a principles guiding implementation site selection; and the elaboration of guidelines for RUC selection, ensuring clinical relevance and scientific excellence while covering the whole spectrum of citizen complexities and intervention intensities. Results: Seven European countries were selected, covering Europe’s geographical and socioeconomic heterogeneity: Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. These were complemented by the following 3 Asian pilots: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. Implementation sites consisted of local ecosystems, including health care organizations and partners from industry, civil society, academia, and government, prioritizing the highly rated European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging reference sites. RUCs covered the whole spectrum of chronic diseases, citizen complexities, and intervention intensities while privileging clinical relevance and scientific rigor. These included lifestyle-related early detection and interventions, using artificial intelligence–based digital coaches to promote healthy lifestyle and delay the onset or worsening of chronic diseases in healthy citizens; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure decompensations management, proposing integrated care management based on advanced wearable monitoring and machine learning (ML) to predict decompensations; management of glycemic status in diabetes mellitus, based on beat to beat monitoring and short-term ML-based prediction of glycemic dynamics; treatment decision support systems for Parkinson disease, continuously monitoring motor and nonmotor complications to trigger enhanced treatment strategies; primary and secondary stroke prevention, using a coaching app and educational simulations with virtual and augmented reality; management of multimorbid older patients or patients with cancer, exploring novel chronic care models based on digital coaching, and advanced monitoring and ML; high blood pressure management, with ML-based predictions based on different intensities of monitoring through self-managed apps; and COVID-19 management, with integrated management tools limiting physical contact among actors. Conclusions: This paper provides a methodology for selecting adequate settings for the large-scale piloting of eHealth frameworks and exemplifies with the decisions taken in GATEKEEPER the current views of the WHO and European Commission while moving forward toward a European Data Space

    Effectiveness of myAirCoach: a mHealth self-management system in asthma

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    BACKGROUND: Self-management programs have beneficial effects on asthma control, but their implementation in clinical practice is poor. Mobile health (mHealth) could play an important role in enhancing self-management.OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical effectiveness and technology acceptance of myAirCoach-supported self-management on top of usual care in patients with asthma using inhalation medication.METHODS: Patients were recruited in 2 separate studies. The myAirCoach system consisted of an inhaler adapter, an indoor air-quality monitor, a physical activity tracker, a portable spirometer, a fraction exhaled nitric oxide device, and an app. The primary outcome was asthma control; secondary outcomes were exacerbations, quality of life, and technology acceptance. In study 1, 30 participants were randomized to either usual care or myAirCoach support for 3 to 6 months; in study 2, 12 participants were provided with the myAirCoach system in a 3-month before-after study.RESULTS: In study 1, asthma control improved in the intervention group compared with controls (Asthma Control Questionnaire difference, 0.70; P = .006). A total of 6 exacerbations occurred in the intervention group compared with 12 in the control group (hazard ratio, 0.31; P = .06). Asthma-related quality of life improved (mini Asthma-related Quality of Life Questionnaire difference, 0.53; P = .04), but forced expiratory volume in 1 second was unchanged. In study 2, asthma control improved by 0.86 compared with baseline (P = .007) and quality of life by 0.16 (P=.64). Participants reported positive attitudes toward the system.DISCUSSION: Using the myAirCoach support system improves asthma control and quality of life, with a reduction in severe asthma exacerbations. Well-validated mHealth technologies should therefore be further studied. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pulmonary disease

    Comprehensive user requirements engineering methodology for secure and interoperable health data exchange

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    Background Increased digitalization of healthcare comes along with the cost of cybercrime proliferation. This results to patients’ and healthcare providers' skepticism to adopt Health Information Technologies (HIT). In Europe, this shortcoming hampers efficient cross-border health data exchange, which requires a holistic, secure and interoperable framework. This study aimed to provide the foundations for designing a secure and interoperable toolkit for cross-border health data exchange within the European Union (EU), conducted in the scope of the KONFIDO project. Particularly, we present our user requirements engineering methodology and the obtained results, driving the technical design of the KONFIDO toolkit. Methods Our methodology relied on four pillars: (a) a gap analysis study, reviewing a range of relevant projects/initiatives, technologies as well as cybersecurity strategies for HIT interoperability and cybersecurity; (b) the definition of user scenarios with major focus on cross-border health data exchange in the three pilot countries of the project; (c) a user requirements elicitation phase containing a threat analysis of the business processes entailed in the user scenarios, and (d) surveying and discussing with key stakeholders, aiming to validate the obtained outcomes and identify barriers and facilitators for HIT adoption linked with cybersecurity and interoperability. Results According to the gap analysis outcomes, full adherence with information security standards is currently not universally met. Sustainability plans shall be defined for adapting existing/evolving frameworks to the state-of-the-art. Overall, lack of integration in a holistic security approach was clearly identified. For each user scenario, we concluded with a comprehensive workflow, highlighting challenges and open issues for their application in our pilot sites. The threat analysis resulted in a set of 30 user goals in total, documented in detail. Finally, indicative barriers of HIT acceptance include lack of awareness regarding HIT risks and legislations, lack of a security-oriented culture and management commitment, as well as usability constraints, while important facilitators concern the adoption of standards and current efforts for a common EU legislation framework. Conclusions Our study provides important insights to address secure and interoperable health data exchange, while our methodological framework constitutes a paradigm for investigating diverse cybersecurity-related risks in the health sector